Make Money With Free Information

By: Woody Maxim

If you have knowledge in an area, people want to hear it. You can turn your expertise into income by giving it away for free. That's right - if you want to make money, use your knowledge to draw people in with free information, then use your business sense to sell the details. It sounds too simple to work, right? I promise, it does.

You can use knowledge you already have about something to generate recurring sales. You can generate multiple product lines by breaking your knowledge of different things into parts and creating more than one product from it. If your expertise is in sales, for example, you can market that an turn it into profit for you. The key is in looking at what you know as something people need.

If you are knowlegable about sales, think of the many layers of information the activity of selling requires using. Write down each aspect of a successful sale, or each aspect of successful marketing for a sale - however you want to break it down. The header for this list should be our big picture topic, like "sales success". Under that should be smaller chunks of how to make the topic work.

Once you have your list ready, write a one page summary of this knowledge. One page is about 350 words in standard 12 pt Times New Roman - you aren't expected to write a book! Read over what you just wrote. Think of what you can add to it to make it meaty and attention grabbing.

Make sure you use action language, and call the reader to action. The action you want the reader to take is to come back to your blog or web site and buy companion products. To make that happen, you should make sure you have plenty of links back to product landing pages in the page you wrote.

Now you are asking yourself "What product landing pages?". The answer is simple - they are the ones you will write from the rest of the list - the details that you will sell as a package to the person who comes back to your site through the links contained in this free article. That's how you generate income from something you give away for free: you draw the reader in, give them just enough information to want and need more, then you sell them the rest of the package.

That hardest part of generating income from give aways is not becoming known as a bait and switch scam artist. The article you wrote to give away for free should have useful information that people reading it can really use. It just shouldn't have all of the useful information. You want to give the reader enough information that they want to hear more of what you have to say on the topic, without giving away too much. Give them a call to action and a reason to take it - that's what will make you a success.

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