The Top 5 Reasons to Work At Home

By. Court Tuttle

Are you still debating on whether or not you want to work from home? Here are a few things to consider when making such a decision.

1. You save dollars every day.

Some people go to work, make so much an hour, get a paycheck at the end of the month, then turn around and spend it all on the fuel money it takes to transport them to their jobs. Working from home can save you loads of money, especially with gas prices these days, because the only traveling you'll likely do is a brisk walk from the bedroom to the kitchen table.

2. Slacks or sweats, whatever's comfy.

Sometimes you go to work and you feel like some people judge you because of how you dress. You feel that sometimes they think you're not professional unless you appear to be on the outside. Such is not the case when you work at home.

No one is there to assume how well you can do your job or how smart you are just by looking at you. You know how good you are at what you do, and you will show people that not by how you dress, but by how you do your work. So even if you go from the pinstripe business jacket to your pajamas, you're still going to do your job and do it to the best of your ability.

3. Using your vehicle less keeps the atmosphere clean.

When you go outside and breathe in a puff of fresh air, maybe you could quietly thank someone you know who works at home. When you work at home, you have to commute less, leaving less fumes from your exhaust pipe hovering in the beautiful morning air. Pollution is becoming a bigger issue as time goes on, and preventing it, even a little bit at a time, gives the earth and the oxygen in its atmosphere a little bit more luster.

4. You map out your own work schedule.

Sometimes there are really important things in life that you just have to do, like spending time with your kids, or visiting an old friend. The hazards of having a job is that these moments are often scheduled right in the middle of the hours you have to be at work.

When you work at home, the things that take priority over your job can happen whenever, and you can still accomplish the same amount of work in between. When you work at home, you set the pace, you schedule the time, and you determine the hours.

5. You're the boss.

When you were sixteen and worked at that fast food restaurant, maybe you had a manager who knew everything and thought you knew nothing. Some people still have those kinds of bosses, even in higher standing jobs. But if you wanted to, you could work at home and be your own boss.

Even if you do have an employer, they are not there to tell you how to do your job and point out every little mistake. You are ultimately your own boss.

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