How to Organize Your Office When Working at Home

By. Court Tuttle

You wake up in the morning, get the kids ready for school, leisurely take a long, hot shower, put on some clothes, and you're ready for the work day. The good thing about your job is that you don't have to put on a business suite and a fake smile, you don't have to answer to a boss or manager that hates your guts, you take as many breaks as you want to, and you don't have to drive anywhere to get to your office. You must work in heaven right?

Close. You work in the comforts of your own home. The only bad part about your job is that you walk into your home office and see a clutter strewn all across your desk.

How on earth are you going to get your work done? Here are a few tips to keep your workspace from looking like you came from outerspace.

Organize It as It Comes In

The best way to maintain a clear and organized space where you work is to file, write down, throw away, and prioratize things as you go. It works every time.

Taking care of things the minute they're introduced to you will keep you from losing or forgetting them. Being organized to begin with will be much easier on the nerves and reduce your stress level significantly.

Regular Clean Up

If you aren't the kind of person that will stay organized as you go, or you are part of a fast paced work atmosphere and you just don't have time to keep track of things as they come, you should clean and organize your work space periodically. Organizing on a regular basis is a good way to keep track of your files, documents, and other supplies you use.

If you let too much time go by in between clean-ups, having clutter all around you as you work will be distracting. It is better for you if you can focus completely upon the task at hand, and it will give you better results for your work as well.

End the Day With a Clean Space

Cleaning your desk or work area at the end of the day will help you to be more inclined to go back to it the next day. If there is clutter everywhere when you return to your work, it is more difficult to stay focused on your work and takes time out of your work schedule to wade through it. It is easier to clear your mess when your work is done, not before you begin.

Your Office is Your Employment Retreat

Having an office, even in a work at home job, is a huge factor. Set aside a room or an area in your home that is just meant for your work.

Separating your work life from your everyday life will allow you to focus on your job and get your tasks finished faster, and with less stress. That way, you can get on with the things you do outside of work, closing the door on your job while you're living the rest of your life.

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